Innovation On Demand


Its Competitions Time

Are you feeling lucky? Enter our Photoshoot Competitions and you could Win a Photoshoot session with Thabo Mokone.

ThaMokone Competition

Three lucky winners stand a chance to WIN a photoshoot with

Thabo “MrRadio” Mokone. – Lesedi FM
Radio/TV presenter, Motivational speaker & Actor.

How To Enter:

1. Like & Share Our Page Facebook: Vplay

Competition Rules:
1. If you liked our page already, share this competition post to enter.
2. Each of the lucky winners can bring along not more than one friend.
3. Competition runs from 30 May 2016 – 30 June 2016.
4. Winners will be announced on our Facebook page on the 1st of June 2016.
5. Photoshoot time & date will be arranged according to individual’s availability.
6. The lucky winners will have to arrange their own transport to Vplay studio.
7. Photoshoot session per lucky winner takes 30min.
8. For any enquiries email us on

Closing Date: 30 June 2016